Radon Mitigation Costs and Solutions
Radon mitigation cost is dependent upon multiple factors and may vary from
contractor to contractor. Effective radon mitigation requires technical knowledge,
experience and technical skills. Making an informed decision when considering a
radon reduction contractor is vital. The specialist at Peak Radon Mitigation are
certified through NRPP (National Radon Proficiency Program).
Factors That Determine Radon Mitigation Cost
We make use of multiple types of systems, choosing the one that will be most effective in your home’s type of construction. The most common systems include sub-slab depressurization (most common method) and sub-membrane ventilation. During our initial visit, we can talk about how to get rid of radon, assess which system is best for your home, and discuss the radon mitigation costs.
Costs for a radon mitigation system to remove or reduce radon in your home can be impacted by a home’s age, design, size, type of foundation, and the types of construction materials used. Homeowner choice can come into play when aesthetics are in question. In some new homes, systems have already been installed to help prevent high levels of radon gas from occurring. In existing homes, however, the radon mitigation system will have to be retrofitted. If the system is placed outside, the costs may be lower, but aesthetically, the results are less pleasing and could impact home value. If the system is placed inside, such as in a closet or less obvious place, additional costs might be incurred by the homeowner to run lines in such a way that they are unseen.
Below are some necessary elements that are part of your radon remediation costs:
Special aesthetic considerations, such as keeping finished lower levels intact when adding pipes
Crawl space materials such as barrier mats and specialized vents
Seals and covers for sump pumps
Energy efficient fans
Piping (more pipes may be necessary for larger homes)
Radon Mitigation Methods
Sub-Slab Depressurization
Sub-Slab Depressurization (or Sub-Slab Suction) is a radon mitigation method that
removes radon-laden air from beneath the foundation and vents the radon gas outside
the home. This method works by installing a fan and inserting a pipe through the
foundation into the aggregate below. The air can be vented to the outside of the house
via an external set up or through an attic configuration. For a visual diagram of sub-slab
depressurization, click on either the External or Attic configuration. Two types of sub-slab
depressurization are often used: active (ASSD) and passive (PSSD). The passive method
works in the same basic way as the passive, however no fans are used. The system
utilizes pressure differentials and natural air flow to vent the radon gas. The active system
is considered more effective and is more common. Often passive systems are built into
new homes as a preventive measure. These passive systems can be converted at a cost.
Sub-Membrane Ventilation
Sub-Membrane Ventilation (or depressurization) is similar to sub-slab depressurization, but is most effective at removing radon in buildings with earth-floored crawlspaces or basements, and uses a high-density polyethylene sheet barrier over the soil as a collection cover. A pipe or drain mat is inserted, along with a fan. The resulting “vacuum” allows the removal of the radon gas to the outdoors. For a visual diagram of sub-membrane ventilation, click on the Sub-Membrane configuration.